2025 Smart Salting Workshops
Free training for winter maintenance professionals who remove snow, apply road salt or maintain snow removal equipment. Learn how using the right amount of salt can save time, budget and our waters.
The training will include: best management practices to keep paved areas safe, guidance on how to determine the right amount of salt to use, benefits of liquids, and case studies from local applicators.
Smart Salting for WI Roads
Smart Salting for Parking Lots and Sidewalks
10 min training video with subtitles in Spanish, Hmong, Nepali, and Tibetan.
Certification Class
These 4-hour workshops consistently impress public and private winter maintenance professionals with industry-leading guidance on how to calculate and apply the precise amount of de-icing material necessary to keep parking lots, roads, sidewalks and driveways safe. Resources mentioned during the certification training are available on our website as a reference for workshop participants. Classes are led by staff from Wisconsin Salt Wise and industry partners.
Quotes from past participants:
"The class was very good. I learned more than I expected considering my 30+ years in snow removal. Nice job to all involved. I wish this was a mandatory class for all commercial operators and municipalities. Thank you!"
"The collaboration and sharing of information between the attendees was a great tool . . . to hear what other people are doing, what is working for them, and what isn't is incredibly valuable. Also, the guest contractor was a great addition."
"Great class and I will be having my employees take the class as well."
Local programs
City of Madison Certification Program