Brine (Salt + Water)
Applying brine before the storm works like putting oil on a skillet before you fry your food. Brine prevents a bond from forming between snow and the pavement so plow blades can more efficiently clear the roads. But don't take it from us, get the scoop from the Marathon County Highway Department (video below).
Compared to rock salt, salt brine works faster, saves money and stays in place. 
Read More:
5 steps to a Winter Liquids Program (published article)
Water Softener Brine Reclamation and use for Winter Maintenance (presentation)
Need brine for a municipality or another public entity?
Many Wisconsin Counties sell brine to municipal/public entities. Reach out if you need support getting brine (
Need brine for a private company?
Check out these local vendors:
USDA Forest Products Lab - the USDA FPL in Madison is currently giving away reclaimed water softener brine. They use this brine for anti-icing on their campus, but they are capturing more brine than they can store. If you're interested, please email us at
Envirosealers, LLC - Envirosealers sells salt brine and both sells and leases brine application equipment (; 920-420-0391)