Wingra Creek - Salt Watch Monitoring

Event Dates

  • Friday, 01/31/2025 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Event Description

On January 31, organizations across the country are hosting stream sampling events for community scientists and volunteers to collect chloride and conductivity data in what scientists call a synoptic sampling event or salt snapshot.

In Madison, staff from Wisconsin Salt Wise and UW-Madison  are partnering to offer a local monitoring event for everyone who is interested to learn more about current monitoring data, reduction efforts, and go out and grab a sample that we can analyze on site.

We'll meet at the UW-Arboretum Visitor Center lobby. After some introductions and an overview, we'll pop down to Wingra Spring to gather a sample and measure current salt (chloride) levels.

Directions to the Arb:

Event Website


UW-Aboretum Visitor Center (meeting location)

2880 Longenecker Dr,


Directions to the Arb:


Categories: Talk or Workshop

WI Salt Wise Partnership: A coalition of organizations working together to reduce salt pollution in our lakes, streams and drinking water.